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Neodisher® LaboClean FLA Changes Formula

By Joana Bernardo on Mon 16 July 2018

Chemische Fabrik Dr Weigert have changed the formula of their popular special cleaner neodisher® LaboClean FLA. See how it affects your application.

The leading company in professional systematic hygiene solutions, have announced a change in the formula of the special cleaner Neodisher® LaboClean FLA.

Neodisher LaboClean FLA Changes Formula

The company has stated that the change was due to the discontinuation of a component by their supplier, which forced a slight adjustment to the formula of the detergent.

In a statement issued by the company, they state that "the complexing agent contained in the product was replaced by an equivalent alternative. The type of cleaning agent of the neodisher® LaboClean FLA and its characteristic features, application properties, as well as used concentration, remains unchanged. The equivalency of the formula was verified, evaluated and consequently, its conformance determined.”

This change in the formula will be taking place from December 2018.

Should you like to know more about the Neodisher® LaboClean FLA formula change our how it may affect your application, contact our Sales Team.


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