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Home > Life Science > Molecular Cell Biology > Recombinant Proteins > Canvax Human IFITM2 (Interferon-induced Transmembrane Protein 2), 6xHis-GST tags PR0093

Canvax Human IFITM2 (Interferon-induced Transmembrane Protein 2), 6xHis-GST tags PR0093

Canvax Human IFITM2 (Interferon-induced Transmembrane Protein 2), 6xHis-GST tags PR0093


Human IFITM2 (Interferon-induced Transmembrane Protein 2), 6xHis-GST tags, high quality recombinant protein with proven performance in elisa, wb, ab production or protein array

IFN-induced antiviral protein which inhibits the entry of viruses to the host cell cytoplasm, permitting endocytosis, but preventing subsequent viral fusion and release of viral contents into the cytosol. Active against multiple viruses, including influenza A virus, SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV), Marburg virus (MARV), Ebola virus (EBOV), Dengue virus (DNV), West Nile virus (WNV), human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). Can inhibit: influenza virus hemagglutinin protein-mediated viral entry, MARV and EBOV GP1,2-mediated viral entry, SARS-CoV S protein-mediated viral entry and VSV G protein-mediated viral entry. Induces cell cycle arrest and mediates apoptosis by caspase activation and in p53-independent manner.

Main Features:

Highest purity: free of interferences from other proteins or contaminants. Convenient: available in different sizes and tags. Cost avoidance: dry ice free of charge.

Includes: Includes for 50 µg: - 50 µg Recombinant Protein - Dry ice

Applications: ELISA. Western Blot. Antibody Production. Protein array.

Format: 50 µg
Shipping conditions: Dry Ice
Storage Conditions: -80 ºC
Manufacturer P/nPR0093