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Home > Life Science > Genomics > Gel-Documentation > Gel Documentation System Doc-Print CX3 > Vilber Lourmat Gel documentation system DOC-PRINT CX3-P-20-M 1111 0800 4

Vilber Lourmat Gel documentation system DOC-PRINT CX3-P-20-M 1111 0800 4

Vilber Lourmat Gel documentation system DOC-PRINT CX3-P-20-M 1111 0800 4

PART NO: 4AJ-9971951
Out of Stock (Ships in approx. 4 weeks)

incl. standard components and gray tones thermal printer and UV-Transilluminator 9.971 910

Catalogue Number9.971 951
ManufacturerVilber Lourmat
Manufacturer P/n1111 0800 4
Alternative RefDOCPRINTCX
TypeDP CX3-P-20.M - standard components + grey-level thermal printer and UV transilluminator
Search words


Gel documentation systems

Alternative Reference:DOCPRINTCX