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What is Rhodamine?

By Emma Foster on Fri 01 May 2020

Learn more about the use of Rhodamine in various water study applications and understand the mechanics of how Rhodamine sensors work.

What is Rhodamine

There is more than one type of Rhodamine dye but the specific dye of relevance here is Rhodamine WT, where the “WT” stands for “water tracer.” Rhodamine WT is distinct from Rhodamine B, for example, because Rhodamine WT (RWT) is water soluble and it is a fluorescent xanthene dye. This facilitates a highly sensitive detection with a fluorometer when it is dissolved in water. When RWT is in water it is very stable and is also safe for humans, wildlife, and plant life when in low concentrations.

The solubility is advantageous for making a 20% solution and it is often what is used to kick off a tracer study. When released the dye will degrade through photolysis at a rate that is temperature-dependent, but it doesn’t degrade so fast that it can’t be used for a multi-day, or indeed multi-week, study. As RWT is diluted, it can be detected over a very, very wide range of concentrations which makes it perfect for large-scale tracer and breakthrough studies.

The combined solubility, stability, safety, detectability and affordability are the reasons RWT has been used for decades in outdoor water studies and it can be used in various applications. Such as in:

  • Surface water
  • Ground water
  • Wastewater

To find out more about Rhodamine use in these applications, fill out the below form for further information.

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