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Three Wrong Assumptions Made About Water Quality Monitoring

By Emma Foster on Thu 30 September 2021

Dr. Stephanie A. Smith in this article is talking about a three assumptions people have when it comes to testing the water quality.

Anatomy of pH Electrodes

By Emma Foster on Wed 29 September 2021

What are pH electrodes and how do they work? In this article, you will learn about methods of pH measurement and their structure.

How to Control Denitrification Using Online Sensors

By Emma Foster on Mon 27 September 2021

Utilities are encouraged to remove as much nitrogen as possible in order to meet mass loading limitations or to gain credits that may be sold to other utilities. This article demonstrates how online sensors are used to control denitrification in water.

Four Questions About Algae Sensors

By Emma Foster on Mon 27 September 2021

This article answers four vital questions that are asked about Algae Sensors and How They Work.

What is a Gas Blending System?

By Emma Foster on Fri 24 September 2021

Gas blending systems are used to combine various gases for specialised applications. These mixtures, or blends, are usually expressed by a molar fraction as a percentage or as a parts-per unit. So, what goes into a gas blending system?

Temperature Control Systems in the Food Industry

By Emma Foster on Mon 06 September 2021

Temperature is an essential part of many processes within the food industry. This is evident in the uninterrupted cold chain, a sufficiently high temperature during processing, and a constant temperature fermentation, however there are many other processes where temperature is essential also.

Temperature Control in the Chemical Industry

By Emma Foster on Mon 06 September 2021

The chemical industry relies on efficient and safe processes to meet its production requirements. Most chemical reactions are either exothermic and release heat, or endothermic and absorb heat, therefore reliable temperature control application is an essential role in the chemical industry. Find out more about the role of temperature control in the chemical industry.

The Quality of Seal Strength

By Emma Foster on Mon 06 September 2021

Packaging has also evolved into a key marketing industry and how manufacturers can differentiate their products from those of their competitors. In this article, we are going to observe two examples of the seal strength and peel strength of packaging materials in the food industry.

Important Update on Our Meckenheim Warehouse

By Emma Foster on Fri 23 July 2021

You may be aware heavy rainfall and flooding have wreaked devastation across parts of western Europe resulting in floods in many areas. As a result, there are significant delays from our Meckenheim warehouse.

Want to Upgrade Your Analytical Instruments?

By Emma Foster on Fri 14 May 2021

Get the best offer when trading in your old analytical instruments. If you trade in any brand of meter, you will receive a massive 10% off a new WTW Meter.

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